Our Philosophy
"Go the extra mile"

Our Commitment
- Always treat our associates as our most prized asset by encouraging personal growth, creativity and the freedom to make decisions.
- Always strive to exceed our customers’ expectations for quality, service and technical support.
- Always provide superior products which best satisfy our customers’ needs.
- Always be a good corporate citizen, consistently contributing to the betterment of our community.
- Always operate our business with the highest level of dignity and integrity.
- Always maintain a healthy financial status and invest in the resources that support our staff and facility.

Our Mission
Consistently exceed the expectations of our customers and associates to allow us to ALWAYS contribute to the advancement of our company and our community.
Our company is built on a group of fundamental beliefs that allow us to consistently serve our customers, the way they should be. Read more about our culture and fundamentals below.
Our Fundamentals
"For Of Those Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Required"
Our Culture is our Business, the foundation to the success of The Collins Companies over the last 100 years. Exceptional employees that capture our uniqueness in the marketplace. Built on a group of ideas that we call our Fundamentals.
We’re all responsible for, and benefit from, the Collins Companies image and reputation. Consider how your actions affect our collective reputation, and be a proud ambassador for the company. We don’t need orders, we need customers. There’s no greater way to build a reputation than to serve and do what’s right for others. Every time. Every day.
It feels good to do good! Be an active part of your community. You get what you give in life – so make a difference by contributing your time, effort, and where appropriate, your money, to make your community better. There’s no greater way to show gratitude for the help you’ve been given, than to turn around and pay it forward. If you have the ability, you have the responsibility!!
There’s no better way to earn people’s trust than to be true to your word. Always do what you say you’re going to do, when you say you’re going to do it. Be on time for all phone calls, appointments, meetings, and promises. If a commitment can’t be fulfilled, notify others early and re-commit!
Treat others like family. Honor their self-worth and respect their value as unique individuals. Always act with kindness, compassion, and patience.
Take personal responsibility for making things happen. Respond to every situation by looking for how we can do it, rather than explaining why it can’t be done. Be resourceful, take initiative, and find a way. Don’t make excuses or wait for others to solve the problem. See issues through to their completion.
Focus on solutions, rather than pointing fingers or dwelling on problems. Identify lessons learned and use those lessons to improve ourselves and our processes so we don’t make the same mistake twice. Get smarter with every mistake. Learn from every experience.
Work from the assumption that people are good, fair, and honest, and that the intent behind their actions is positive. Set aside your own judgments and preconceived notions. Give people the benefit of the doubt.
Demonstrate a passion for excellence and take pride in the quality of everything you touch and everything you do. Don’t accept mediocrity. Good is not good enough. Always ask yourself, “Is this my best work?”
You only get one chance to make a great first impression! Every conversation, phone call, e-mail, and even voicemail, sets a tone. Your personal appearance and the appearance of our offices, warehouses, trucks, and distribution center, also create an impression. With every interaction, be sure you’re setting a tone that’s friendly, warm, and helpful.
Invest time and effort in relationships. Get to know your customers and co-workers on a more personal level. Understand what makes others tick and what’s important to them. Talk more and e-mail less. Strong relationships enable us to more successfully work through difficult issues and challenging times.
Create clarity and avoid misunderstandings by discussing expectations upfront. Set expectations for others and ask when you’re not clear on what they expect of you. End all meetings with clarity about action items, responsibilities, and due dates.
In the search for the best solutions, challenge and question what you don’t understand. Don’t accept anything at “face value” if it doesn’t make sense to you. Be curious, ask thoughtful questions, and listen intently to the answers. Dig deeper to go beyond the expected. Always ask why.
Work on yourself. Seek out and take advantage of every opportunity to gain more knowledge and increase your skills. Be a relentless learner and be generous in sharing best practices. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Demonstrate an unwavering commitment to doing the right thing in every action you take and in every decision you make, especially when no one’s looking. Always tell the truth, no matter the consequences. If you make a mistake, own up to it, apologize, and make it right.
Listening is more than simply “not speaking.” Give others your undivided attention. Be present and engaged. Minimize the distractions and let go of the need to agree or disagree. Suspend your judgment and be curious to know more, rather than jumping to conclusions. Above all, listen to understand.
Speak honestly in a way that helps others to make progress. Say what you mean, and be willing to ask questions, share ideas, or raise issues that may cause conflict when it’s necessary for team success. Be courageous enough to say what needs to be said. Address issues directly with those who are involved or affected.
What got us here is not the same as what will get us to the next level. Get outside your comfort zone, rather than stubbornly hanging on to old ways of doing things. Be excited by the possibilities that change and growth bring. Be flexible. Remember, change has no constituency!
Have a passion for what we do and be fully engaged. Always make the most of each day by approaching every task with energy, focus, purpose, and enthusiasm. Work with a sense of urgency to get things done.
Put their needs ahead of our own. See the world from their perspective to better understand their challenges and frustrations. The better you understand them, the more effectively you can anticipate and meet their needs. People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
Regularly reevaluate every aspect of your work to find ways to improve. Don’t be satisfied with the status quo. “Because we’ve always done it that way” is not a reason. Guard against complacency. Find ways to get things done better, faster, and more efficiently. If you see something, say something, and do something!
The best way to influence others is through your own example. Be humble and walk the talk. Be the first to accept criticism and the last to accept praise. Take responsibility to coach, guide, teach, and mentor others. Be the change you want to see.
Don’t let your own ego or personal agenda get in the way of doing what’s best for the team. Be there for each other and be willing to step into another role or help a co-worker when that’s what’s required for success. Help each other to succeed. We win and lose as a team.
Recognizing people doing things right is more effective than pointing out when they do things wrong. Be quick to praise and slow to criticize. Regularly extend meaningful acknowledgment and appreciation — in all directions throughout our organization.
Make decisions by asking yourself, “What would I do if this were my company? What would I do if this were my own money? Will this help our company to succeed?”
Take care of yourself at home and at the office. Eat well, exercise, and get adequate sleep. Support each other in making healthy choices. The healthier you are, the more you’ll thrive personally and professionally.
Be proactive and solve problems before they happen by anticipating future issues. Always be well organized – plan your work for maximum efficiency and execute to win. Pay attention to the details and have all the tools necessary before starting your work. Be thoughtful about your schedule, and have a game plan for your calls, your jobs, your deliveries, and your workday. Know the goal and your priorities and work on them first. Don’t major in minors!
Respond to questions and concerns quickly, whether it’s in person, on the phone, or by e-mail. This includes simply acknowledging that we got the question and we’re “on it,” as well as keeping those involved continuously updated on the status of outstanding issues.
While effort is important, our future depends on results. Follow-up on everything and take responsibility to ensure that tasks get completed on time. Set high goals, use measurements to track your progress, and hold yourself accountable for achieving those results. Remember, Collins is a great vehicle but PROFIT is the gas.
Know and practice the safety procedures for your job. Watch out for the safety of your teammates as well, for we’re all part of the Collins family. Never take shortcuts that compromise your safety or that of your teammates.
Problems and mistakes don’t define us – how we handle them does. Keep a level head and attack every problem. Our best chance to shine is when a teammate or customer is frustrated or disappointed. Find the silver lining in these opportunities to learn. The bigger the problem, the greater our chance to distinguish ourselves and our company by solving it!
Be willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done ... plus a little bit more. Take the next step to solve the problem, even if it takes doing something that isn’t in your job description. The extra mile comes from the heart and we can’t teach heart! It’s what separates the average person from the superstar. Be a superstar.
While our passion for excellence is real, remember that the world has bigger problems than the daily challenges that make up our work. Stuff happens. Keep perspective. Don’t take things personally or take yourself too seriously. Laugh and enjoy every day.

Collins Cares
"It Feels Good To Do Good"
At Collins, we have always strived to “Give Back” (Fundamental #2) to our community. Over the years we have supported various charities and organizations that we are passionate about. Highlighting a few are:

Other Worthy Causes We Support
"Training The Next Generation"
We support colleges that give educational opportunities for first generation graduates:
Springfield Technical Community College
Bay Path University
St. Joseph College (NY)

Causes We Support
Cathedral High School
Longmeadow Educational Excellence Foundation
Tunnels for Towers
Wilbraham Fall Gala
Make a Wish Foundation
CHD Cancer House of Hope
Ronald McDonald House
Mercy Medical Center
Sister Caritas Cancer Center
Brightside for Families and Children
Shriners Hospital

More Causes We Support
Libertas Academy
Mercy Medical Opiod Program
Girls, Inc.
The Care Center
Boy Scouts of America
Junior Achievement
George Floyd Memorial Fund
Children’s Study Home
Community Music School
Collins Cares About Our Community
We love to give back and have an effect on our local community and the world.