At The Collins Companies, we value our vendors and work to create long-term relationships with them. In all of our specialty product lines, we strategically partner with leading manufacturers that provide the best value and solutions to our customers throughout the world. You can be confident in our supply because we only distribute products from the most reputable vendors.
Certain lines are only available in particular locations. Please see specific line cards on our Locations page.
Spirax Sarco knows steam can heat or sterilise almost any industrial process. That’s why it’s often the first choice in so many applications around the world. From food producing to oil refining, beer making, and drug manufacturing companies, Steam is well known for delivering safe, sustainable and efficient energy.
Spirax-Sarco 25 Series Regulator
Spirax-Sarco Thermodynamic Steam Trap
Spirax Sarco Float Thermostatic
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